Onward and Upward

GROW Windham
January 19, 2024
2 min read

After our program begins during the academic year and a good deal of time has passed, we introduce the Youth Staff positions to members of the Youth CORE and begin the application process. This comes after the youth have taken part in numerous workshops and community events and we have all gotten to know each other over the course of our mission.

I remember when one of these positions was offered to me back when I was a member of the Windham Youth CORE. I joined the program in October of 2017 and remember wanting to do so much more with this program after participating in many workdays either at the garden or at the office.

Out of all of the apprenticeships that were offered, I jumped on the Media and Communications one. This allowed me to learn how to make consistent and engaging social media content for GROW Windham’s pages. Doing this apprenticeship was not just a good resume’-builder. It laid the path for the position that I am in now, as the Communications and Office Manager of the organization.

Now that we are approaching the time to offer Youth Staff positions to members of the Windham Youth CORE, it interests me to see what kind of effect it will have on whoever from the Youth CORE we hire. Taking a staff position in Media when I was 17-years-old helped me in ways that no other job that I ended up having ever did.

The Windham Youth CORE have been incredibly productive in recent days with being involved in their community and doing whatever they can to generate a positive impact, and right now I can only wonder how this kind of work can help them going forward.